Gestion du cycle de vie de l'information (ILM)

Hire independent professionals who have experience and specialization Gestion du cycle de vie de l'information (ILM) and will help implement your projects on time and with a professional approach. Outsource services and choose a freelancer with relevant experience.

Résultats de la recherche

1 pigiste a été trouvé pour la catégorie Gestion du cycle de vie de l'information (ILM)

Digital Transformation Specialist (French & English)

Digital Transformation Specialist and Canada Permanent Resident. Bilingual (French and English) professional with 15+ years of exceptional track record in technical, presales, sales, marketing, and...

Fredericton South New Brunswick Provincial Government, Canada
Expérience vérifiée: 1
Références vérifiées: 1

Information management (IM) 10 Information lifecycle management (ILM) 10 Information system management 10 CISM (Certified Information Security Manager) 4 Architectural informatics 10 Technical sales / technical distribution 10 Presales 10

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